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Athens Dentist


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Athens Dentist
Athens Dentist
Dental Clinic
  • SpecializationDentistry - Prosthodontics
  • Location 27 Chatzikonstanti str., Athens, 11524

Short Description
  • Step into a world of superior oral health and radiant smiles with Maria Prionisti, the renowned dentist in the heart of Athens. At Athens Dentist, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier dental services, personalized care, and cutting-edge treatments that will leave you with a lasting impression.


Clinic Departments/Treatments



Dental Implant

A comprehensive solution for dental overbites, underbites, and misaligned or crowded teeth. The package includes evaluation, extractions, treatment visits, appliances, braces or a retainer, and is designed to help patients achieve a straighter and healthier smile.

Orthodontic Treatment

It involves the evaluation, extractions, treatment visits, appliances, braces or a retainer, and it fixes dental overbites, underbites, and misaligned or crowded teeth.

Teeth Whitening

It is a comprehensive treatment that uses the latest technology to safely and effectively whiten your teeth. The procedure is painless and provides excellent results that will leave you with a brighter and more confident smile.

  • Degrees DMD, MSc
  • Specialty Dentistry, Prosthodontics
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