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Derma Laser Clinic


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Derma Laser Clinic
Derma Laser Clinic
Dermatology Clinic
  • SpecializationDerma Laser Clinic
  • Location 84 Aigaiou str, 55134 Kalamaria-Thessaloniki, Greece

Short Description
  • Dr Anestis Ouzounidis and the fully specialized team of Derma Laser Clinic provides high quality dermatological services and personalized medical aesthetic treatments, covering the needs and requests of each patient.

    By offering comprehensive medical, cosmetic and surgical dermatological services, each patient can feel confident that he receives the appropriate services for his personal needs from a fully experienced team.

    Dr Anestis Ouzounidis is considered one of the pioneers of aesthetic dermatology and specialized in the repair and correction of facial and body skin.

    Be sure that our experienced dermatologists will offer you a high level of health services, using the latest medical equipment and anticipating your individual needs.


Clinic Departments/Treatments
Facial TreatmentsFacial Treatments
Nasal congestionRosacea, a common, inflammatory skin condition and permanent acne scars affects faces appearance and creates a hypersensitivity and intolerance in the patient’s skin. At Derma Laser Clinic we apply innovative, combination therapies, with which we achieve the best results.
Hyaluronic/Skin ImplantsHyaluronic acid implants is one of the new alternative treatments on the cosmetic market and an excellent technique for a patient with mild aesthetic abnormalities. Implants mainly of hyaluronic acid, secondarily silicone or collagen, immediately add volume to the contour, emphasize the features of the face and give you a natural and aesthetic result. These popular techniques when done by our experienced team have excellent results.
Laser Facelift/Dark CirclesOver time aging and sunlight create aesthetic alterations, such as wrinkles, sunspots and sagging skin. The Clear Lift Laser Facelift, a popular treatment of collagenogenesis,cures a variety of skin imperfections. At Derma Laser Clinic we also adopt advanced therapies that treat the dark circles and make you look younger.
NipplesNipples are benign skin tumors and as they grow or multiply they can cause discomfort. Our experienced team deal with the removal of nipples from our body with great efficiency. The removal is done by the dermatologist Ouzounidis with the latest generation Laser CO2 Elbium surgery or TCA. The use of CO2 Laser is bloodless and painless.
Body Treatments
Cellulite/Local fatCellulite and local fat is a very common cosmetic problem that affects over 90% of women. Our clinic provides advanced therapies that accumulate fat and cellulite as well.
HPV WartsHPV warts is the most common sexually transmitted disease and it is estimated that 75% of the population is infected with some form of the virus. Our clinic combines high quality treatments with Laser applications and topical treatments.
Laser Hair RemovalOur hair removal lasers are the most technologically advanced in the field of aesthetic medicine, have excellent results and the minimum feeling of pain.
Tattoo RemovalIn our office we have the most advanced and effective laser (Frequency doubled Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser) which is the best solution for removing your tattoos.
Body Mesotherapy-LipolysisMesotherapy is a method in which substances are injected in the middle layer of the skin. This technique is used in a number of aesthetic problems in person, body, scalp.Our advanced combination of therapies and other technologies improve the texture of the skin, stretch marks and cellulite. We use materials that aim at fat dissolution, tightening and regeneration of the skin.
Clinical Dermatology
Hemangioma – Vascular DysplasiaOur clinic provides high quality therapies so as to deal with the problem. Corticosteroids injected into the lesion to stop growth and inflammation, beta blockers, timolol gel and laser treatment. Laser is needed to reduce erythema and heal faster.
Alopecia-Hair LossAt Dermalaser Clinic we apply the most reliable treatment methodologies with special treatment protocols for all types and degrees of androgenetic alopecia with excellent results. Each treatment protocol is formulated individually and separately after the informative meeting with the Doctor at our premises.
Thread veinsAt Derma Clinic we adopt selective treatments. a) Sclerotherapy which is intravenous injection of substances and b) Laser treatments. We use the DYE Laser pigment, ND Yang, and pulse ( IPL)with excellent results.
VitiligoVitiligo is an autoimmune disease which causes discoloration of parts of the skin and affects people of all skin types. Our team offers patients the best therapeutic approach in the world, specialized French therapies, phototherapy, laser treatment at 308, intramuscular injections.
HyperhidrosisHyperhidrosis is the pathological excessive secretion of sweat by the secretory sweat glands and many people report embarrassment, low self-esteem, difficulty finding work, problems with sex, and even depression.You don’t have to worry about it anymore. Our modern treatment is done with the injection of botulinum toxin - botox type and with laser treatment of hyperhidrosis but also with special microwave technology.
Dr. Anestis Ouzounidis
Dr. Anestis Ouzounidis
Dermatologist – Venereologist, MD
  • Degrees MD
  • Specialty Dermatologist – Venereologist
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