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Euroclinic Athens


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Euroclinic Athens
Euroclinic Athens
Member of Euroclinic Group
  • SpecializationGeneral Hospital
  • Location 7-9 Athanasiadou str., D. Soutsou, 115 21, Athens, Greece

Short Description
  • Overview

    The Athens Euroclinic is one of the most contemporary diagnostic, surgical and therapeutic centers in Greece. Since its establishment in 1998, it has been steadily playing a leading role in the area of private healthcare, and has become a point of reference for its unparalleled, quality healthcare services and its people-centered corporate mentality, which focuses on personalized and individualized care for all patients.



    You will feel safe at the Athens Euroclinic because if offers:

    - Excellent medical and nursing staff

    - Modern and reliable medical equipment and facilities

    - Accredited and functional processes

    - A civilized and comfortable environment

    - Experienced and capable administrative staff


    Athens Euroclinic offers comprehensive healthcare services through its state-of-the-art medical centers and special units, which implement the latest medical methods and techniques.

    Due to the features of its advanced equipment, the Athens Euroclinic is ranked among the leading hospitals in Europe.



    Euroclinic is certified to international and European standards that cover all the sectors where patients would like to feel safe and secure during their visits or hospitalization (hospitalization conditions, environment, personal data protection).



    The hospital applies the following certified management systems:


    EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Provision of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services


    EN 15224:2017 Healthcare Services. Quality Management Systems Provision of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services


    EN ISO 22000: 2018 Food Safety Management Systems Preparation and Distribution of Meals within the Hospital


    ELOT EN ISO 15189:2012 The Clinical Biopathology Laboratory is accredited to carry out tests which are in compliance with the international standard


    Patients’ Friendly Hospital Protocol Provision of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services


    Certified Stroke Unit by European Stroke Organization


Clinic Departments/Treatments




The Athens Euroclinic Cardiology Department and Cardiac Catheterization Lab form part of the Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Division, one of the most popular departments handling heart conditions in Greece. The core mentality of the Department is to offer healthcare services of the utmost quality, comparable to the largest centers abroad. So far, the results of our procedures have been very satisfactory compared to international standards and have been published in Greek and foreign journals. Our diagnostic and treatment approaches cover the entire range of modern clinical and interventional cardiology techniques and are performed 24/7.

Cardiothoracic Surgery

The Athens Euroclinic Cardiothoracic Surgery Department is staffed by a team of cardiothoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists specializing in cardiothoracic anesthesiology, and perfusionists. The Department’s medical team has extensive experience in this field, having performed a large number of cardiothoracic surgical procedures. The excellent results in cardiothoracic cases are due to the top scientific training of the physicians, the support offered by the ICU medical staff, the full intraoperative monitoring and the perioperative nursing care. The Department covers the entire range of cardiothoracic procedures, specializing in arterial reperfusion of the two internal mammary arteries and the radial artery, surgical valve repair, and surgical repair of acute and chronic aneurysms.

Cosmetic Dermatology

The Euroclinic Cosmetic Dermatology Department caters for men and women who seek individualized services that fully meet their needs. Staffed by highly trained medical and nursing professionals and equipped with the most innovative technology, it not only offers beauty services (Botox, mesotherapies, peeling, etc), but also comprehensive packages for various cosmetic problems, such as excessive hair growth, local fat and more.


A modern Dermatology Department operates within the Athens Euroclinic, offering diagnosis and treatment for all skin conditions. The Department is staffed by physicians with long experience and significant scientific body of work in Greece and abroad. The top scientific level of the medical staff, coupled with their systematic postgraduate training on the latest medical techniques, ensure the strong competitive edge of the Athens Euroclinic Dermatology Department. Focusing on patients and aiming at individualized approach for each case, the Dermatology Department meets all patient needs, spanning from diagnosis to treatment of skin conditions and sexually transmitted diseases.

Emergency Medicine

The Athens Euroclinic Emergency Medicine Department is open 24/7 all year round. Physicians with long experience in medical emergencies (internal medicine specialists, cardiologists, surgeons, orthopedic specialists, etc) and qualified nursing staff are always on alert to manage any emergency or acute health problem. The convenient location of the Athens Euroclinic in the centre of the Greek capital ensures easy access to its fully organized Emergency Medicine Department, which is entrusted by thousands of patients annually. The Department physicians can offer immediate diagnosis and treatment to any emergency, without any hassles or delays. Patients may also be transferred by ambulance.

General Surgery

A fully equipped, model General Surgery Department operates within the Athens Euroclinic. It is staffed by experienced, qualified and highly trained medical and nursing personnel. Focusing on patients and aiming at individualized clinical care, the General Surgery Department covers all surgical needs, ranging from diagnosis and preoperative evaluation to treatment and regular postoperative care. The top scientific level and long experience of the medical staff, coupled with their systematic postgraduate training on the latest surgical techniques, ensure the strong competitive edge of the Athens Euroclinic General Surgery Department.


The Athens Euroclinic runs a fully organized Gynecology Department, staffed by trained, qualified and experienced physicians. They are capable of implementing all the latest prevention methods to identify, treat and monitor the entire range of benign and malignant gynecological conditions, as well as performing innovative techniques, such as hysterectomy, laparoscopy and robotic surgery. The continuous training of staff at international centers of excellence and the practical application of new methods have made the Gynecology Department a training center for gynecologic robotic surgery. Two training seminars combining theory and practice on robotic techniques are organized annually, with gynecologists from Greece and Cyprus attending.

Hair Transplantation – Scalp Disorder Clinic

A modern Hair Transplantation and Scalp Disorder Clinic operates within the Athens Euroclinic, offering the entire range of diagnostic and treatment services for severe alopecias. The Department is staffed by experienced dermatologists, headed by Dr. Anargyros Kouris, Dermatologist/Venereologist, with extensive scientific work in Greece and abroad. The top scientific level of the medical staff, coupled with their systematic postgraduate training on the latest medical techniques, ensure the strong competitive edge of the Euroclinic Hair Transplantation and Scalp Disorder Clinic. Focusing on patients and aiming at individualized approach for each case, the Hair Transplantation and Scalp Disorder Clinic meets all patient needs, spanning from diagnosis to treatment of alopecia and hair loss with hair transplantation.


The Ophthalmology Department is staffed by experienced doctors, who remain constantly up to date with the latest medical and technological developments, as dictated by multicenter clinical trials. Our goal is to preserve or enhance the patients’ vision, following a patient-centric, personalized approach. In collaboration with Laservision.gr, a world-renowned Clinical and Research Eye Institute, we meticulously care for the ocular assessment and treatment in its entirety: from spectacles and contact lens prescription to the most specialized screening examinations and treatments for patients of all ages.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

An Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic has been operating within the Athens Euroclinic for the last ten years, offering top-level medical services for conditions of the face, jaw and mouth. The top scientific level and long experience of the physicians, coupled with the state-of-the-art equipment form the core of the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. The Clinic aims at offering multifaceted healthcare services to patients through contemporary treatment methods and individualized care.


The Athens Euroclinic orthopedic specialists have extensive clinical experience in Greece and abroad. They also receive regular training and attend international medical conventions to get certified on the latest orthopedic techniques, in accordance with the strictest international medical standards. A total of 8 orthopedic clinics operate within the Athens Euroclinic, offering effective management and treatment of various orthopedic conditions. The postoperative hospitalization of patients includes reliable monitoring by qualified nursing staff 24/7, who offer their services in the same friendly manner the Athens Euroclinic is renowned for. If needed, the attending orthopedic specialists are assisted by physicians of other medical specialties, while the Athens Euroclinic ICU is always on alert to receive cases that require increased care. Orthopedic specialists are also on call 24/7 at the Athens Euroclinic Emergency Medicine Department, offering immediate medical assistance to orthopedic emergencies.

Plastic Surgery

The Athens Euroclinic Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Department is headed by experienced plastic surgeons with extensive experience, postgraduate studies abroad and continuous training at international scientific conferences.

Weight Loss and Invasive Obesity Surgery

A model medical center operates within the Athens Euroclinic, staffed with specialists with long experience and significant scientific body of work in the area of obesity in Greece and abroad. Focusing on patients and aiming at an individualized approach for each case, the Weight Loss and Invasive Obesity Surgery Center offers the entire range of internationally recognized and innovative weight-loss methods, such as the Elipse gastric balloon capsule and bariatric surgery, coupled with suitable and individualized nutritional and psychological support and exercise.

Central Diagnostic Labs

Offer early and proper diagnosis and prevention, placing patients at the core of their activities. The Labs cover the entire range of lab tests required to diagnose a condition, monitor treatment and detect pathological deviations before the relevant symptoms develop.

Radiodiagnostic lab

A dedicated radiology department, staffed by physicians with long experience in pediatric radiology, as well as distinguished technicians/imaging experts who stand out for their excellent training as well as their sense of compassion towards children. The Department aims to offer early and proper diagnosis, in partnership with the Hospital’s physicians and other associates of all specialties whenever necessary.


A fully equipped Ultrasound Department operates within the Athens Euroclinic, performing the entire range of diagnostic exams and an extensive array of modern imaging procedures involving ultrasounds.

Breast Center

The Athens Euroclinic Breast Center is a model center of excellence that was established to offer comprehensive and quality healthcare services to women in the area of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast conditions. Staffed by specialized scientists from all related medical specialties and equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and imaging devices, it ensures very efficient diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant breast lesions.

Diabetes Unit

The Athens Euroclinic Model Diabetes Mellitus Unit is a highly-specialized center offering comprehensive and quality healthcare services for diagnosing and treating all types of diabetes mellitus, as well as other endocrinological and metabolic disorders. The Unit is staffed by a special medical team with long experience and hands-on practice in treating even the most demanding diabetes and endocrine disorders, as well as significant clinical and scientific body of work in Greece and abroad.

Endoscopy Unit

The Athens Euroclinic Endoscopy Unit consists of the Gastroenterology Department and the Pulmonology Department. It offers top healthcare services for diagnosing and treating a wide range of gastroenterological and pulmonary conditions. The Endoscopy Unit is staffed by specialists with top academic training and long experience, while it boasts cutting-edge medical and diagnostic equipment.

Stroke Unit

The Athens Euroclinic Stroke Unit applies the most advanced treatments for cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) 24/7, reducing patient mortality and disability rates. Fast patient evaluation / Immediate treatment / 24/7 – Hospitalized patient monitoring, coupled with intensive physical therapy and speech therapy / Multidisciplinary team consisting of neurologists, neurosurgeons, invasive radiologists, anesthesiologists, cardiologists, internists and qualified nurses, and available 24/7

Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Center of Excellence

The only certified Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery Center of Excellence in Greece is a point of reference in SE Europe for the provision of dedicated endocrine surgery. An extremely large number of procedures is performed every year, using the latest and most advanced techniques and special, cutting-edge microsurgery technology.

Total Arterial Myocardial Revascularization Center of Excellence

The model Cardiac Surgery Center for Total Arterial Myocardial Revascularization (Certified Center of Excellence) of the Athens Euroclinic is staffed by a team of cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists trained in cardiac anesthesiology and extracorporeal circulation specialists. The Center’s medical team has long experience, having performed a very large number of successful cardiac surgery procedures, with success rates similar to those of recognized centers abroad.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

The Athens Euroclinic Intensive Care Unit is a Level III multidisciplinary ICU that can accommodate patients referred from all of the Hospital’s departments.

One-Day Clinic (ODC)

The Athens Euroclinic One-Day Clinic (ODC) is located on the 1st level of the main building and consists of two individual units: The One-Day Treatment unit (The Unit handles malignant tumor cases, in accordance with recognized quality healthcare standards) and The One-Day Surgery unit (The One-Day Surgery unit has 4 rooms with 2 beds each. The Unit accommodates patients who undergo surgery, but only require a few hours hospitalization).

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