Short Bio
Professor Fourmouzi is an internationally recognized academic with more than 400 lectures, a rich research activity and an ongoing clinical practice experience of over 26 years.
Assistant Professor
1987 Graduation, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 1990-1993 Postgraduate program in “Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics” University of Bern, Switzerland 1993 “ dent” Title from the University of Bern, Switzerland 1994-1996 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Bern, Switzerland 1994-2001 Clinical Instructor, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 1998 Elected member of the presidium of the Diagnostic Group of IADR (International Association of Dental Research) 2001-2006 Lecturer of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 2001-2004 Member of the editorial board of “Clinical Oral Implants Research” 2006-2011 Assistant Professor of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 2011- today Tenior Assistant Professor of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece 1994-today Private practice, “Dental Excellence” in Athens Greece 1990-today Publishing 126 scientific articles, 33 of which in international peer reviewed journals. Lecturing in more than 400 national and international meetings
- Training & Experience
• 1987, DDS, School of Dentistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
• 1990-1994, Specialty: Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics» University of Berne, Switzerland
• 1993, PhD, Dr. Med. Dent. University of Berne, SwitzerlandMember of:
• American Academy of Periodontology
• European Association of Osseointegration
• International Team of Implantology
• Hellenic Society of Odontostomatological Research
• Hellenic Association for OsseointegrationContinuing Professional Development (CPD)
Dr Fourmouzis attended more than 270 scientific events related to Conferences, Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Lectures and Speeches aiming to stay up to date with technological and scientific advancements of his field of interestHe participated in many international and Greek round tables, key note presentations, symposia, speeches, scientific argumentations, workshops and conferences
- Clinical Interests /
SpecializationThe hole spectrum of Periodontology, implantology and fixed prosthodontics
- Research Interests
Participation in research projects that have been completed
1. Robustness of Photo-image Analysis (PIA) to Changes in Study Location,
- IADR Conference in San Francisco, CA, USA, 1996,
- Main investigator: N.P. Lang
- Associate investigator: Ioannis Fourmousis
- Procter & Gamble Study Number: CC-258 or Experimental Gingivitis Nr: 25 (Certificate 188, 189, 190, 190b, 191).2. Evaluation of tissue changes during Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR). The first part of the results of this work was presented at the 2nd Europerio (Meeting of the European Federation of Periodontology) in Florence, Italy in 1997, and the second part at the Annual Congress of the International Association of Dental Research in 1998 in Nice, France (Free Papers # 74 and # 76, respectively).
3. Generalizability of the added benefits of GTR in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. 1998,Journal of Periodontology (Certificate P15).
4. Clinical outcomes following treatment of human intrabony defects and deep periodontal pockets with Emdogain or access flap alone. A data acquisition strategy including two multicenter randomized controlled clinical trials. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2002 Apr; 29 (4): 317-325, (Certificate P18) and the second part by J. Clin. Periodontol. 2004 Dec; 31 (12): 1092-1098 (Certificate P21).
5. Clinical outcomes following treatment of human intrabony defects with GTR / Bone replacement or access flap alone. A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2004 Sep; 31 (9): 770-776 (Certificate P20).
6. Immediate implant placement with transmucosal healing. A multi-center, randomized, single blind, controlled clinical trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2007 Apr; 18 (2): 188-96 (Certificate P24).
7. A comprehensive and critical review of dental implant placements in diabetic animals and patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research in 2006; 17: 587-599
8. Immediate implant placement with transmucosal healing in areas of aesthetic priority. A multicenter randomized-controlled clinical trial I. Surgical outcome. Lang NP, Tonetti MS, Suvan JE, Pierre Bernard J, Botticelli D, Fourmousis I, Hallund M, Jung R, Laurell L, Salvi GE, Shafer D, Weber HP; European Research Group on Periodontology.
Clin Oral Implants Res. 2007 Apr ;18(2):188-96. (Certificate P24).9. A comprehensive and critical review of dental implant prognosis in periodontally compromised patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2006; 17: 587-599 (Certificate P22).
10. Therapy of peri-implantitis: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2008, 35: 621-629 (Certificate P25).
11. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of implant length on the survival of rough-surface dental implants. 2009 in the Journal of Periodontology 2009, 80: 1700-1718 (Certificate P27).
12. Multi-center, randomized, single-blind, controlled clinical trial of a topical doxycycline formulation applied adjunctively to mechanical non-surgical debridement in periodontal maintenance patients. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2012 May;39(5):475-482 (Certificate P29).
13. Syndecan-1 immunohistochemical expression in gingival tissues of chronic paradontitis patients correlated with various putative factors. Journal of Periodontal Research in 2010, Aug;45(4):520-31. (Certificate P28).
14. Tonetti MS, Cortellini P, Pellegrini G, Nieri M, Bonaccini D, Allegri M, Bouchard P, Cairo F, Conforti G, Fourmousis I, Graziani F, Guerrero A, Halben J, Malet J, Rasperini G, Topoll H, Wachtel H, Wallkamm B, Zabalegui I, Zuhr O.
Xenogenic collagen matrix or autologous connective tissue graft as adjunct to coronally advanced flaps for coverage of multiple adjacent gingival recession: Randomized trial assessing non-inferiority in root coverage and superiority in oral health-related quality of life.
J Clin Periodontol. 2018 Jan;45(1):78-88. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12834. Epub 2017 Nov 21 (Certificate P30).15. Siamantas I, Kalogirou EM, Tosios KI, Fourmousis I, Sklavounou A.
Spongiotic Gingival Hyperplasia Synchronously Involving Multiple Sites: Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Head Neck Pathol. 2018 Dec;12(4):517-521 (Certificate P32).16. Fourmouzis I., Vlachos E., Dovas P., Topakas G., Paterakis G. Elimination of periplasmic tissue deficiencies by infusion of cultured ex vivo autologous fibroblasts. Athens, 2016
17. Fourmousis I., Vlachos E.
Genetic risk factors for the development of periimplantitis, J dent Impantol 2019.18. Research projects in progress
Fourmouzis I., Vlachos E., Selected genomic polymorphisms and microbiological parameters in the evaluation and treatment of patients with slow or rapid progression of chronic periodontitis. Athens 2018 (in progress) - Conditions Treated
The whole spectrum of Dentistry.
In our office are working specialists for:Periodontology
Operative – reconstructive dentistry
Prosthodontics (fixed and removable)
Oral Surgery
Oral Pathology
Radiology Diagnosis - Publications
Selected publications in Scientific journals
I Siamantas, EM Kalogirou, KI Tosios, I Fourmousis, A Sklavounou. Spongiotic gingival hyperplasia synchronously involving multiple sites: case report and review of the literature. Head and neck pathology. 2018; 12 (4), 517-521
MS Tonetti, P Cortellini, G Pellegrini, M Nieri, D Bonaccini, M Allegri,. Xenogenic collagen matrix or autologous connective tissue graft as adjunct to coronally advanced flaps for coverage of multiple adjacent gingival recession: Randomized trial. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2018; 45 (1), 78-88
MS Tonetti, NP Lang, P Cortellini, JE Suvan, P Eickholz, I Fourmousis,. Effects of a single topical doxycycline administration adjunctive to mechanical debridement in patients with persistent/recurrent periodontitis but acceptable oral hygiene. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2012; 39 (5), 475-482
I. Fourmousis. Plenary Session 5-Maintaining Long-term Implant Outcomesmanagement of peri-implantitis: 023. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2011; 22 (9), 888
S Kotsovilis, S Tseleni‐Balafouta, A Charonis, I Fourmousis, D Nikolidakis,. Syndecan‐1 immunohistochemical expression in gingival tissues of chronic periodontitis patients correlated with various putative factors. Journal of periodontal research. 2010; 45 (4), 520-531
S Kotsovilis, I Fourmousis, IK Karoussis, C Bamia. A systematic review and meta‐analysis on the effect of implant length on the survival of rough‐surface dental implants. Journal of Periodontology. 2009; 80 (11), 1700-1718
S Kotsovilis, IK Karoussis, M Trianti, I Fourmousis. Therapy of peri‐implantitis: a systematic review. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2009; 35 (7), 621-629
I.K. Karoussis, S Kotsovilis, I Fourmousis. A comprehensive and critical review of dental implant prognosis in periodontally compromised partially edentulous patients. Clinical oral implants research. 2007; 18 (6), 669-679
S Kotsovilis, IK Karoussis, I Fourmousis. A comprehensive and critical review of dental implant placement in diabetic animals and patients. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2006; 17 (5), 587-599
MS Tonetti, P Cortellini, NP Lang, JE Suvan, P Adriaens, D Dubravec,. Clinical outcomes following treatment of human intrabony defects with GTR/bone replacement material or access flap alone: A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of clinical periodontology . 2004; 31 (9), 770-776
MS Tonetti, NP Lang, P Cortellini, JE Suvan, P Adriaens, D Dubravec,. Enamel matrix proteins in the regenerative therapy of deep intrabony defects: A multicentre randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2002; 29 (4), 317-325
MS Tonetti, P Cortellini, JE Suvan, P Adriaens, C Baldi, D Dubravec,. Generalizability of the added benefits of guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of deep intrabony defects. Evaluation in a multi‐center randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Periodontology. 1998; 69 (11), 1183-1192 - Other Locations
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