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Dr. Georgios Vartsakis

Dr. Georgios Vartsakis
  • Degrees MD, FRCOphth, FEBO, FICO, MRCSI(Ophth)
  • Specialty Vitreo-Retinal Surgery, Medical Retina, Cataract Surgery
  • Primary Clinic Emmetropia
  • Languages Greek, English, Swedish

Short Bio
  • Georgios Vartsakis is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina. His first steps as a Specialist in Ophthalmology at Sparta General Hospital in the period 2011-2012 were followed by his training until 2016 at the Irish College of Ophthalmologists, where he worked according to the National Training Program as a Specialist in the University Clinics of Galway University Hospital, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin, Temple Street Children’s University Hospital and Beaumont Hospital Dublin. During his training period he successfully completed the Postgraduate Ophthalmology examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland receiving the corresponding MRCSI(Ophth) title. At the same time, through a series of successful examinations of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists of the United Kingdom (RCOphth) he became an FRCOphth Fellow.


    In 2016, after exams, he received the title of Medical Specialty of Ophthalmology in Greece from the Region of Crete, while in the same year he successfully participated in the exams of the European Board of Ophthalmology in Paris, receiving the FEBO title, achieving the third best score among all participants from around the world. In the same year, he started working as a Curator of Ophthalmology - Cataract Surgeon in Sweden, while in 2017 he trained at the Department of Retinal Pathology (Medical Retina) of the University Clinic of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden. Then and for a period of more than 4 years (2018-2022) he specialized and worked as a Curator - Specialist in Vitreoretinal Surgery (Vitreoretinal Surgeon) in the corresponding Department of the University Ophthalmology Clinic of the same hospital.


    Mr. Georgios Vartsakis holds a Fellowship from the International Council of Ophthalmology and is also a member of the European Retina Society (EURETINA), the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS), the Swedish Ophthalmological Society, the Hellenic Vitreous-Retina Society and the Hellenic Ophthalmological Society.


    The summer of 2022 marked his return in Greece while at the same time he maintains a salaried position as Scientific Associate of the Department of Vitreous-Retinal Surgery at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden.


  • Training & Experience

    1. Vitreoretinal Surgery Fellow - Vitreoretinal Surgeon
    Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Molndal (Sweden)


    2. Cataract Surgery and Medical Retina Fellow
    Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Molndal (Sweden)


    3. Ophthalmologist - Ophthalmic Surgeon
    Sodra Alvsborgs Sjukhus, Boras (Sweden)


    4. Senior Registrar in Ophthalmology
    Sodra Alvsborgs Sjukuhs, Boras (Sweden)


    5. Registrar in Ophthalmology
    Galway University Hospital (Ireland)
    Rotation: Vitreoretinal Surgery - Medical Retina - Uveitis


    6. Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology
    Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin
    Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin
    Rotation: Paediatric Ophthalmology - Cornea - Anterior
    12/01/2015- 12/07/2015


    7. Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology
    Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin and
    Beaumont Hospital, Dublin (Ireland)
    Rotation: Neuro-Ophthalmology - Strabismus


    8. Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology
    Galway University Hospital (Ireland)
    Rotation: Glaucoma - Vitreoretinal Surgery - Medical Retina
    - Cornea - Orbit - Oculoplastics


    9. Senior House Officer in Ophthalmology
    General Hospital of Sparta - Sparta, Laconia (Greece)
    16/11/2011 -15/08/2012

  • Clinical Interests /

    - Vitreoretinal Surgery
    - Medical Retina
    - Cataract Surgery

  • Research Interests

    - Vitreoretinal Surgery
    - Macular Surgery

  • Conditions Treated

    - Retinal Detachment
    - Macular Surgery
    - Diabetic Retinopathy
    - Complicated Cataract Surgery
    - Dislocated lOLs & Aphakia
    - Vitreous Hemorrhage
    - Vitreous Opacities
    - Intraocular Inflammation

  • Publications

    1.    Kalogeropoulos D, Vartsakis G, Moustafa G.A, Kalogeropoulos C, Ch’ng S.W, Pappa C, Bassilious K, Sung V.C.T
    Choroidal vascularity index in pseudoexfoliation syndrome: a review of the literature
    Spektrum der Augenheilkunde. 2022 Aug doi : 10.1007/S00717-022-00529-6.


    2.    Tsatsos M, Vartsakis G, Athanasiadis I, Moschos M, Jacob S.
    Intraocular lens implantation in the absence of capsular support: scleral fixation.
    Eye (Lond). 2022 Sep;36(9):1721-1723.
    doi: 10.1038/S41433-022-02024-3. Epub 2022 Mar 24. PMID: 35332290; PMCID: PMC9391336.


    3.    Tsatsos M, Vartsakis G, Athanasiadis I, Papavasileiou E, Yesilirmak N, Ziakas N.
    Intraocular lens implantation in the absence of capsular support: iris fixation.
    Eye (Lond). 2022 Sep;36(9):1718-1720.
    doi: 10.1038/S41433-022-02023-4. Epub 2022 Mar 24. PMID: 35332288; PMCID: PMC9391370.


    4.    Quigley C, Zgaga L, Vartsakis G, Fahy G.
    Refractive error and vision problems in children: association with increased sedentary behavior and reduced exercise in 9-year-old children in Ireland.
    J AAPOS. 2019 Jun;23(3):159.e1-159.e6.
    doi: 10.1016/j.jaapos.2018.12.011. Epub 2019 May 16. PMID: 31103561.


    5. Vartsakis G, Fahy G.
    The profile of patients attending a triaged eye emergency service.
    Ir J Med Sci. 2014 Dec;183(4):625-8.
    doi: 10.1007/sl 1845-013-1063-2. Epub 2014 Jan 1. PMID: 24381063.

  • Other Locations Private Practice - Athens
  • Accreditation and Insurance

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