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Ophthalmology Clinic
  • SpecializationOphthalmology
  • Location 19 Anopoleos Str., Heraklion, Crete, 71201

Short Description
  • Since 2005 when it was established, Emmetropia is a reference center in the field of ophthalmology providing diagnosis and recovery to vision problems through its well-trained personnel and the use of state-of-the-art equipment. Emmetropia has the following unique characteristics:


    - Emmetropia is the only ophthalmology clinic in Crete that was certified as an One Day Clinic (O.D.C.) in the field of ophthalmology in 2011.
    - Emmetropia was 1 of the 5 centers in the world involved in the development of the world's most reputable refractive laser platform, the German Schwind Amaris in 2007.
    - Emmetropia is one of the few centers in the world that, since 2018, in collaboration with the Medical University of Wenzhou (China) is mapping the DNA abnormalities in keratoconic patients aiming on future genetic treatment.
    - Dr Ioannis Aslanides is a founding member and, since 2018, the elected president of the Hellenic College of Ophthalmology (H.C.O.).
    - The scientific team of Emmetropia is actively involved in more than 300 original publications, scientific articles, book chapters, presentations at European or global level and announcements at international clinical or research conferences and workshops.
    - A large number (more than 30) of local and foreign refractive surgeons (fellows) from around the world (United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, China) have been involved in Emmetropia as our clinic is considered a model reference center for refractive surgery worldwide.
    - Emmetropia has played a key role in the production of original (new) scientific knowledge with numerous research studies on the evolution of the medical laser industry and the imaging systems in ophthalmology.


Clinic Departments/Treatments




Refractive Surgery

For patients with refractive errors, that can be treated with laser correction, who want to get rid of their glasses and/or contact lenses.

2.600€ for both eyes

Cataract Surgery Standard Package

For patients with no or very low astigmatism who want to minimize the need for distance glasses but do not mind wearing reading glasses.

1.600€ per eye

Cataract Surgery Astigmatism Package

For patients with moderate to severe astigmatism who want to minimize the need for distance glasses but do not mind wearing reading glasses.

2.100€ per eye

Cataract Surgery Advanced Package with premium IOL

For patients with no astigmatism who want to minimize the need for glasses for reading and distance.

5.200€ for both eyes

Cataract Surgery Advanced Astigmatism Package with premium IOL

For patients with moderate or high astigmatism who want to minimize the need for glasses for reading and distance.

5.200 € for both eyes

Dr. Ioannis M. Aslanides
Dr. Ioannis M. Aslanides
MD, PhD, F.R.C.Ophth, MBA
  • Degrees MD, PhD, F.R.C.Ophth, MBA
  • Specialty Ophthalmology
Dr. Georgios Vartsakis
Dr. Georgios Vartsakis
  • Degrees MD, FRCOphth, FEBO, FICO, MRCSI(Ophth)
  • Specialty Vitreo-Retinal Surgery, Medical Retina, Cataract Surgery
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